
04 de Agosto del 2023

What do I do if I have a toothache?

Icon Dental Group in Nogales

Continuous discomfort in the mouth, pain when closing the jaw, bad odor, permanent discomfort, are anindication that something needs to be checked in our mouth. Toothache is one of the most common, terribleand hard to bear, especially because it can appear suddenly and greatly limits the daily activities of the personwho suffers it.

The causes may be different, but in general we can say that the cause is pulpitis, that is, an inflammation ofthe nerves of the tooth and blood vessels. This can be prevented by attending on time with a continuous andprofessional dental check-up. At Icon Dental we offer you its dental service for any type of discomfort, do notlet any more time pass and schedule your appointment by Whatsapp here.

The most common causes of toothache are:


1. Infection, when bacteria are present in the tooth, infections occur that can spread from the root of the toothto the supporting bones, destroying the tissue and causing severe pain.
2. Cavities, the presence of bacteria that destroy the enamel, the root of the tooth, and nerve endings.
3. Periodontitis, i. e. disease of the gums of the tooth, this is another type of severe infection that can destroythe bone that holds the tooth and cause it to loosen, bringing more serious consequences for the patientafterwards.
4. Any dental trauma, caused by a severe blow that causes pain, as well as cracks, breaks, fractures, or lossof the tooth.
5. Dental outlet obstruction, when a tooth is inside the maxillary bone and cannot find a way out, pushes therest causing pain and inflammation.

The best recommendation that any dental health professional can give you is that you go to the officeimmediately, although there are many treatments and home remedies to relieve pain on the internet, thisresults in a palliative or a half-solution, because the pain will continue to be present and will increase itsintensity over time.

Whether you require an endodontic surgeryfillingsextractionscleaning or an implant, we put at your disposal our Icon Dental clinic to treat your pain, which has expert professionals and cutting-edge technology for the treatment and care of oral health.

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