
04 de Agosto del 2023

To correct teeth, orthodontics or veneers?

Icon dental Group in Nogales

When it comes to improving our smile and giving it a better look, it’s common for people to believe that any treatment has the same goal or will achieve the same result: white and straight teeth. Today, however, we want to demystify this idea. Oral health is complex and has different nuances and specific treatments  to each oral condition. Believing that any treatment can replace another, or that all are at the same level of competence, can bring unpleasant consequences for the patient in question. If you don’t get the right treatment, you can put the permanent health of your teeth at risk, even damaging or losing them.

That is why today we want to clarify which is the right treatment for the correction of teeth and which to improve their aesthetics.



This treatment consists of dental corrections, bite and facial structures correction. When one tooth is misplaced it directly affects the other teeth and the overall condition of the jaw even can bring unpleasant consequences when it comes to nutrition and dental hygiene. Dental and bone structures are corrected through various devices and mechanisms. Well-known devices such as brackets or braces, retainers, among others, are included as part of these treatments.

In cases where there is inadequate dental alignment, poorly positioned bone structures, orthodontics is the only effective treatment to achieve a functional and harmonious smile. Among the advantages and benefits of the treatment we can find the following:

- Correction of malformations and malpositions of all kinds.
- Solves malocclusion, which is the abnormal alignment of the teeth when closing the mouth.
- Aligns the smile, as it moves the teeth to their functional and appropriate place.
- Close the space between the teeth.
- Corrects the crowding to give an ideal alignment.

No matter how complicated the case is, orthodontics can solve it. If you need to fix and correct your teeth, bite or facial structure, book your appointment by Whatsapp here. Our specialists will take care of you.

There are cases where very little correction is required on a tooth, and it is only in those cases that you might consider lowering the tooth a bit and placing a veneer. However, it is a completely different treatment that we will explain below:


This aesthetic treatment aims to improve the appearance of the teeth and their visual appeal, it consists of the placement of very resistant sheets that can be designed of different materials, according to the purpose given. Their thickness is between 0. 3mm and 1mm, they are thin as contact lenses. Although it noticeably improves the appearance of teeth, they do not correct their functionality. The blates adhere to the outside of the teeth adopting the same tone and shade, trying to solve some problems such as:

- The aesthetics of the smile.
- The gaps between the teeth.
- Mild misplaces on the teeth, as we mentioned a moment ago. Only in very special cases.

Veneers are a much faster process compared to that, correcting the problem of yellow teeth, repairing the breakage of teeth by giving them a new and natural appearance. They can also be placed individually. It will definitely enhance the appearance of your teeth and bring harmony to your smile.

If you are interested in this treatment, schedule your appointment by Whatsapp here. Our specialists will take care of you.

Which one’s better?

Beyond personal tastes, you need the recommendation of a dentist, specialized in the care and health of themouth, to give you their best guidance and to see according to your case, which of the two treatments is muchbetter for a case like yours, whether orthodontics or veneer placement, before any doubt like not knowing withcomplete certainty if your problem is solved with veneers and you should resort to dental apparatology, consultwith your dentist.

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