10 de Agosto del 2023
Do you have tenderness in your teeth? Do your gums react badly to cold or heat? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?
The gum pain you experience is probably a characteristic symptom of a disease called periodontitis orgingivitis. These mouth diseases can dramatically affect your quality of life, limiting the food you can eatwithout feeling discomfort or other accompanying conditions, such as bad breath, tenderness, or loosening your teeth and redness of your gums.
At Icon Dental we are concerned about the health of your teeth and gums, which is why we want to clarifysome common doubts about this discomfort, and invite you to take a more responsible care of your oral health.
Gingivitis is a disease of the gums, quite common, although the mildest stage of discomfort is characterized byirritation, swelling and redness of the gums, in the area around the base of the teeth. The first symptoms you may notice are:
On the other hand, periodontitis is the disease that occurs when inflammation and infection occur in the gumsand is not treated properly. This infection extends from the base of the teeth to the ligaments, and even to thebone that supports the teeth; this can only cause them to weaken, loosen and eventually fall out of teeth. Inadults, periodontitis is the main cause of tooth loss.
The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene, but there are other reasons you can consider to findthe source of the discomfort in your gums:
Maybe it’s not a severe infection, just a misuse of the toothbrush. It is believed that the harder the teeth arecut, the cleaner they become; however, this practice can irritate the gums. In addition to using excessivelyabrasive dental products, they end up putting pressure on the gums and reducing their size and causingbleeding or redness.
When they build up at the base of the teeth they cause inflammation, and abnormal gaps between the teethand gums, which are easily filled with bacteria. The damage spreads to the tissues and bone.
Changes that people may have in their hormone levels can have significant effects on the sensitivity of thegums. Some hormonal changes caused by pregnancy can change the way the body interacts with certainbacteria in the mouth. This can result in deterioration of the gums and tooth decay.
There are irritations to the gums that can be caused by foods that are too acidic, which can even leave openwounds, sores; and oral tracts that cause discomfort, tenderness and even pain in the gums.
The best way to deal with gum problems is always to consult a dental specialist. You have to be a periodontitisspecialist to provide professional care, who can give you a proper diagnosis and treatment consistent with yourdiscomfort and level of severity, whether it’s gingivitis or periodontitis.
Do not leave your oral health inexperienced hands, go to the right specialist to solve each of your oralproblems, let alone minimize it. If you experience these discomfort, schedule your Whatsapp appointmenthere. Our specialists will be happy to assist you.
Get to know all our specialists and the different dental services we have.
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