
04 de Agosto del 2023

6 reasons to make an appointment at the dentist

Icon Dental Group in Nogales

The health of the mouth and teeth is of great importance as it directly affects the quality of people's life. It is because of the many myths, wrong paradigms, and lack of clarity that most people associate a dentist’s visit as something to be avoided or postponed as long as possible, as it represents unnecessary pain or discomfort, as well as an economic investment. However, we would like to remind the reader that not taking care of oral health has more unpleasant consequences in the future, some even irreversible. Therefore, it is better to be alert with our teeth and go to the dentist whenever necessary.

Icon Dental gives you 6 reasons to consider when scheduling a dentist visit:


1. Pain in a tooth, if you can detect pain and discomfort in a tooth, that’s reason enough to ask for a consultation. It’s the most common cause to go to a dental specialist; don’t let it go too long because in addition to affecting your quality of life, your health and also living with all the discomfort that toothache can cause, there are risky reasons behind the pain that you should consider:

- It may be a deep tooth decay, which, if not treated in a timely manner, will start to affect the nerves of the tooth, as well as generate necrosis of the tooth pulp. The most risky thing is that the infection can pass from one to the other and in the worst case cause the loss of the tooth.
-A dental abscess, which is the accumulation of pus caused by a serious bacterial infection, located in the rootof the tooth or on the gums.
- The eruption of the wisdom teeth, which, in addition to causing pain, if not removed, can cause the movement of the rest of the teeth, misaligning the jaw and the bite.

If you experience these discomfort, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take careof you.

2. Dental sensitivity, if you suffer continuously from food that is cold or hot, because it causes pain in your teeth and gums, consider scheduling your visit today. This may be an indication of damage or weakening of the tooth enamel, whether the tooth is cracked or broken, it may also be tooth decay and also be sensitive to sweet. Damage to the gums, gingival recession from aggressive brushing, or periodontal diseases.

If you experience these discomfort, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take careof you.
3. Gum bleeding, you may associate gum bleeding with toothbrushing, maybe you did it with a lot of force, but it’s not so, the gums are affected by the large amount of bacteria accumulated in the mouth and tartar in the oral cavity. When they are so irritated, they bleed themselves. This causes gingivitis, and if not treated early it can develop into periodontal disease. Of course, with good treatment, it is reversible; however, if not treated, periodontitis can occur, and this can cause loosening and loss of teeth.

If you have these aches, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take care of you.

4. Bad taste in the mouth or halitosis, a symptom that might seem quite common in most people, associated with eaten foods, but if recurrently presented accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth may represent a sufficient reason to ask for a consultation, it can be dental caries, gum disease, infections inside the mouth, etc. Make an appointment and have the specialist tell you why and how to treat it.

If you have these symptom, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take care of you.

5. Jaw and cervical morning pain, this type of discomfort can mean the presence of bruxism, which is the condition where teeth involuntarily clench and grind as a habit, during the day or at sleep, when it is more common, so this pain is associated with the moment of awakening. If this is your case, we advise you to go toa specialist. You should check that bruxism hasn’t affected the structure of the jaw.

If you experience these discomfort, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take careof you.

6. Other pains and discomfort, at Icon Dental we are interested in your dental health in a comprehensive way, that’s why we don’t want to limit your interest in visiting the dentist only to the above cases, because there are multiple causes that requirenan appropriate and timely assessment by the dentist and/or a dental specialist. For any condition or problem in the oral cavity, our specialists will assist you with the warmth and professionalism that characterizes us.

If you have these aches, schedule your Whatsapp appointment here. Our specialists will take care of you.

Icon Dental Clinic Services

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