
25 de Octubre del 2024

All on four: What is it, and what is it for?

Discover what the all on four technique is, its benefits and how it is performed

What is the All on four technique?


It is a technique used in implantology to restore complete arches (upper, lower or both), with the placement of 4 dental implants according to the classic technique, however, a 5th implant can also be placed depending on the height, width, and bone density. This dental procedure has an instantaneous function, on the day of implant surgery, a fully functional, temporary prosthesis may be placed and used during the healing process.

The All on four technique is characterized by requiring a smaller amount of bone graft compared to other dental implant procedures. However, it is important to note that, in most cases, bone graft continues to be necessary. The need for bone grafting depends mainly on the specific condition of each patient, including their bone health, the presence of organic diseases such as diabetes and a history of periodontal disease may have caused significant bone loss. Due to this, individualized assessment is crucial to determine the most appropriate approach in each case.


Who is a suitable candidate for the All-on-four treatment?


This procedure is not suitable for all types of patients, it is only recommended for patients who do not have teeth or those whose teeth have decayed due to advanced or severe cavities. This method is recommended particularly for the following patient groups:

  • Completely edentulous patients
  • Those who are not satisfied with their current prosthesis
  • Individuals with sufficient density and jaw volume


Certain criteria must be met to determine if the patient is suitable for an All on four treatment, such as:


General health status

Since implant treatment is a relatively invasive procedure, candidates must be in good general health. Patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis should keep their condition under control before treatment.

Jaw Structure

For All on four implants to be successful, there must be sufficient density and bone quality in the jaw. Patients who do not have enough bone tissue may need preliminary treatments, such as bone grafting or sinus lift.

Gum health

Having healthy gums is essential for dental implants to be successful. Patients with periodontal disease should receive prior treatment, as Infections and inflammations can compromise the healing and integration of the implant.


Smoking can severely affect the success of dental implants, as it reduces the blood circulation and delays healing. It is crucial that patients who smoke suspend it before and after the treatment, to improve results.

Age factor

Although there is no age limit for the All on 4 implant system, the development of the mandible should be completed in young patients. Elderly patients are also suitable for this treatment if their state of health is good overall.

Psychological state

mplant treatment is a multi-stage process that requires patience. Throughout the treatment, the patient must follow the instructions of necessary care and must not neglect periodic check-ups. Patients who are mentally prepared for treatment can go through the process with greater success.

Medical history

Patients' medical history should be thoroughly evaluated before starting treatment. Patients undergoing cancer treatment or radiotherapy should discuss with their doctor the suitability of this treatment.


Benefits of the All on four technique


Rapid recovery

This method is applied using a minimally invasive technique, which makes for a faster healing process.

Economical solution

The cost of an All on four is more affordable compared to complex and time-consuming individual implant solutions.

Reduced extra expenses

Shortening treatment time and requiring fewer sessions reduces the total cost of the treatment.

Natural appearance

All on four implants provide an aesthetically natural appearance, which has a positive effect on patients' self-confidence.

Improved speech and chewing

These implants significantly improve the ability to speak and chew, thus improving quality of life.

Durable and reliable

Root abutments are as strong as the roots of natural teeth, and they last for many years.


All on four implants are designed with patient comfort in mind and they generally provide greater comfort than regular dentures.

Easy adaptation

Patients quickly get used to All on four implants, which facilitates their use in daily life.

Preventing bone loss

The use of All on four implants preserves the structure of the jaw preventing bone loss in the area.


How do you perform All-on-four implants?


The first phase of the All-on-Four technique consists of performing an X-ray to obtain an initial image of the patient's bone structure and determine if they are a candidate for the All-on-four, or if it would be more appropriate to use conventional implants.

Afterwards, we will perform a 3D scan of the area that will be treated. With this technology, our team will plan your case and evaluate the height, width, and bone density.

After completing this preliminary phase, we will take the necessary steps to Make a temporary prosthesis. This temporary prosthesis will be placed after the All-on-Four surgery and will be used for at least 3 or 4 months, until the implants are fully healed, and we can proceed with the placement of the permanent hybrid prosthesis.


Rehabilitate your smile at Icon Dental


At Icon Dental, the All on four treatment is our flagship solution. We know that the high failure rate in these procedures is often due to treatments performed by non-specialized dentists. For this reason, we have a team of experts such as our implantologist and rehabilitator who are essential to ensure the success of this treatment. In addition, we use cutting-edge technology to digitize every phase of the process, ensuring speed, precision and quality. Our implants are high quality and globally recognized, with a high success rate and lifetime warranty, always complying with the highest biosafety standards.

>> Schedule your appointment

Our team is always available to answer any questions and provide you with warm and caring attention. Do not hesitate to contact us at USA: 520 841 2576 or Mexico: 631 162 8049 to schedule your appointment and find out how dental implants can change your life.


At Icon Dental, you will find the experience, quality, and warmth you deserve.


At Icon Dental we offer a full range of dental services, including:

Teeth whitening
Conventional Veneers
Injected Veneers
Smile Design

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